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Master Bundle Pointer

Identifies a Unity asset like a prefab, material or audio clip within a master bundle.

In *.asset files

MasterBundle: File name of the asset bundle exported from Unity. Should match the Asset_Bundle_Name configured in the MasterBundle.dat file.

AssetPath: File path of the Unity asset e.g. *.prefab, *.mat, *.png, *.ogg, etc. Relative to the Asset_Prefix path configured in the MasterBundle.dat file.

"MyMasterBundlePtr" { "MasterBundle" "core.masterbundle" "AssetPath" "path/to/file.extension" }

If the asset default master bundle should be used then the path can be specified inline:

"MyMasterBundlePtr" "path/to/file.extension"

in *.dat files

For .dat files, you'll want to put the masterbundle name and its extension behind a : in the front of your file path. For example, if I want to get an AudioClip from the core masterbundle:


This works for .dat lines like ConsumeAudioClip and HornAudioClip.

Last update: August 26, 2022