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This is an Asset v2 class.

Any collection of items with different numeric values can be associated together in a Currency asset. NPCs can then automatically convert between the different items, and vendor menus can display information using the linked currency. This is intended to be useful beyond real-world currencies, e.g. bartering ammunition.

P.Riso's Hot Stuff

Asset Setup

The currency asset defines how numbers are formatted, which items make up the currency, and their individual values. An example can be found at Bundles/Items/Supplies/CanadianCurrency.asset.

ValueFormat: String to format numeric value into.

Entries: Array of items in the currency. Each has an Item GUID and Value integer. For example these are the $10 and $20 notes in the Canadian currency:

        "GUID" "b6b87dfad5f342dc91bbb2de950f56ee"
    "Value" "10"
        "GUID" "3b9847bb328d445495b64be9e5ea9400"
    "Value" "20"

To link a vendor with a currency set the vendor asset's Currency to the currency asset's GUID. Vendors display all of the items sorted from lowest to highest value.

NPC Logic

Conditions can use the Currency type to require different total amounts in the player's inventory. Rewards can use the Currency type as well to grant amounts. Each of these uses the following properties:

GUID: Currency asset's GUID.

Value: Total value of currency.


The built-in "give" command accepts currency GUIDs as an alternative to item IDs. For example the following grants $1,000 CAD to the local player:

/give 5150ca8f765d4a68bfe54912146da410/1000

Last update: June 1, 2021