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Assets v1

Unturned assets associate game data with Unity asset bundles. They are stored in .dat files. When scanning a folder for assets the game looks for a .dat file with the same name as the folder, or an Asset.dat file.

Newer features use Assets v2, but it is unlikely that older features will be ported.

File Format

Empty lines and lines starting with // are treated as comments. Otherwise every line is a key-value pair with a space separating the key from the value. Keys must be unique within the file.

Arrays or lists are typically handled by a key specifying the number of items, and then appending the index number to each element's key. For example:

// Total number of elements in list
Blueprints 2

// First element has an index of 0
Blueprint_0 A

// Second element has an index of 1
Blueprint_1 B

Occasionally there are asset types that simply look for the presence of a particular key, not its value. These are referred to as flags. For example: item assets check for the Pro flag marking that it is a Steam economy item.

Game Data

Type string: Specific guides will list individual type names. This determines which keys the game will read.

ID int: 16-bit identifier. Unfortunately this id must be unique within each category of assets (vehicles, items, animals, etc). Objects are the exception from this legacy restriction because they have been upgraded to fully use GUIDs.

GUID string: Refer to GUID documentation. Several newer features refer to v1 assets by their GUID. If left empty the game will prepend a GUID during startup.

Unity Asset Bundles

Each Unturned asset is associated with a Unity asset bundle. If there is a master bundle in the file hierarchy that takes priority, otherwise a .unity3d bundle with the same name as the .dat file is used. There are several keys available to control the asset bundle:

Asset_Bundle_Version int: Indicates which version of Unity this .unity3d bundle was built for. When Unturned upgrades Unity versions it tries to maintain backwards compatibility based on this number. 1 is Unity 5.5, 2 is 2017.4 LTS, 3 is 2018.4/2019.4 LTS, and 4 is 2020.3.

Master_Bundle_Override string: name of a master bundle to use rather than the .unity3d bundle or master bundle found in the hierarchy.

Exclude_From_Master_Bundle string: if this key exists the asset will look for a .unity3d bundle instead of the hierarchy.

Bundle_Override_Path string: path within the master bundle to load rather than this asset's file path.


Each asset looks for a localization .dat file in the same directory based on the current language. For example: English.dat or French.dat.

Last update: December 15, 2022